Turkey’s presidential aide meets Russian delegation

Turkey’s presidential aide meets Russian delegation

Turkey’s presidential aide received on Thursday a Russian delegation led by the country's special envoy for Syria in the capital Ankara. Ibrahi

أنقرة تدين قرارات واشنطن وباريس بخصوص عملية نبع السلام
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برلماني إيراني: السعودية تدعم الاحتجاجات في العراق ولبنان

Turkey’s presidential aide received on Thursday a Russian delegation led by the country’s special envoy for Syria in the capital Ankara.

Ibrahim Kalın and Alexander Lavrentiev — accompanied with other members of the delegation — discussed the latest developments in Syria, including Manbij and Idlib, and Turkey’s ongoing counter-terrorism operation in the country.

Both countries agreed to prevent the threat posed by all terror groups, including YPG/PKK-PYD and Daesh, against Syria’s territorial integrity and to maintain the existing cooperation between Turkey and Russia on this subject during the meeting.

The aim of Operation Peace Spring — to eliminate Turkey’s national security concerns and ensure the safe return of Syrian refugees — was also stressed during the gathering.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu met with a U.S. delegation, including National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and James Jeffrey, the U.S. special envoy for the anti-Daesh coalition, in the city.

Turkey on Oct. 9 launched Operation Peace Spring to clear northern Syria east of the Euphrates River of the terrorist PKK and its Syrian offshoot, the YPG/PYD.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union — has been responsible for deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.