Turkish defense industry to break export record in 2019

Turkish defense industry to break export record in 2019

Turkey's defense and aviation industry is expected to beat its export record by the end of this year. The defense and aviation industry left other se

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Turkey’s defense and aviation industry is expected to beat its export record by the end of this year.

The defense and aviation industry left other sectors behind with its 10-month performance in exports worth of $2.14 billion, according to data compiled by Anadolu Agency from Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TIM) and Defense Industries Presidency.

The sector’s exports soared 38% year-on-year in January-October, followed by cement, glass, ceramics and soil products with 18.3%.

Seeing exports worth of $2.19 billion in 2018, the defense and aviation industry almost achieved this figure now, two months before the completion of this year.

The U.S. was the top export market of the sector, with receiving $675.6 million worth of items from January to October.

Oman was the second largest with $213.5 million, while Germany ranked third with $185.5 million during the same period.