Turkey arrests 4 Daesh-linked suspects in Adana province

Turkey arrests 4 Daesh-linked suspects in Adana province

Turkish police arrested four Daesh-linked suspects in Adana province, according to security sources Sunday. The suspects were arrested by provincia

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Turkish police arrested four Daesh-linked suspects in Adana province, according to security sources Sunday.

The suspects were arrested by provincial police in Adana at dawn, said the source who asked not to be named due to the security concerns.

The detained Syrian nationals, entered Turkey from the Syria border and were plotting a terror attack in the southern province.

Since recognizing Daesh as a terror group in 2013, Turkey has been attacked by Daesh terrorists numerous times, including 10 suicide bombings, seven bombings, and four armed attacks which killed 315 people and injured hundreds.

In response to the attacks, Turkey launched anti-terror operations at home and abroad, neutralizing 3,500 Daesh terrorists and arresting 5,500.