Dance, concert, theater take the stage at Zorlu this week

Dance, concert, theater take the stage at Zorlu this week

Zorlu Performing Arts Center, Istanbul's key gathering point for the arts and cultural life, is offering a concert series by quartets, unique dance sh

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Zorlu Performing Arts Center, Istanbul’s key gathering point for the arts and cultural life, is offering a concert series by quartets, unique dance shows and a children’s play

Zorlu Performing Arts Center (PSM) in Istanbul continues to inspire its audiences with a program full of dance and jazz this week. “I Am Tango,” an award-winning production of the Tango Lovers ensemble, will perform unforgettable shows for two consecutive days, including the quartets of Ferit Odman, one of the pioneers of jazz drumming in Turkey, and of Elif Çağlar, the first Turkish musician to have graduated with honors from the Aaron Copland School of Music.

Series of quartets

The Ferit Odman Quartet will perform at touché at 9 p.m. on Nov. 20-21. The performance will feature tracks from his albums “Nommo” and “Autumn In New York,” which was crowned with four stars by Downbeat magazine. Odman’s Quartet will take its guests on a journey deep in the hard-bop world. The gate will open at 7 p.m.

Elif Çağlar’s quartet will perform at touché at 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 23. After studying jazz composition in college, she went to New York in 2006 to pursue her graduate studies in jazz performance. She was the first Turkish musician to have graduated with honors from the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College in New York, where she was a student of living legend Sheila Jordan. Çağlar will offer an unforgettable experience for jazz enthusiasts on Nov. 23 along with her quartet, made up of pianist Çağrı Sertel, contrabassist Volkan Hürsever and drummer Ediz Hafızoğlu. The tickets for the event are on sale for TL 121.

Tango steps

“I am Tango” will be at the Turkcell stage at 8 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Nov. 23-24. “I am Tango,” the new production of the Tango Lovers ensemblewhich was formed by 24 world-renowned professional dancers with the cooperation of World Tango Championship winners and genius musicianswill uniquely convey the artistic evolution of tango in one hour and 55 minutes. The production, which has received awards for Best Show of the Year, Best International Production and Best Musical Show, will stimulate all the senses with its music, dance and use of fashion, light and multimedia.

Melis Sökmen will also perform at touché at 9:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 22. Sökmen, who began her music career with the band Lokomotif in 1986, will perform a wide repertoire of music consisting of jazz, R&B, Latin, soul and blues in multiple languages. The gate will open at 7:30 p.m.

Zorlu Children’s Theater did not forget the youngsters. “Cardboard City” will be on the Turkcell Platinum stage from 12 to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 24. Written by Serdar Saatman and directed by Gaye Cankaya, “Cardboard City” continues to offer a fun and enthusiastic experience for children. The unique children’s musical introduces the beauties of art to children with its colorful atmosphere and offers instructive messages.

The Zorlu Children’s Theater, founded to mark the 50th anniversary of Zorlu Holding under the roof of the Mehmet Zorlu Foundation, continues to voice the theater’s educational, instructive and entertaining aspect in its 15th year. The theater has entertained more than 800,000 children since 2003.