Iraq police kill 6 Daesh terrorists in Kirkuk

Iraq police kill 6 Daesh terrorists in Kirkuk

Iraqi authorities said Tuesday six Daesh/ISIS terrorists were killed in a police chase in the southern province of Kirkuk. A federal police statement

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Iraqi authorities said Tuesday six Daesh/ISIS terrorists were killed in a police chase in the southern province of Kirkuk.

A federal police statement said an explosive belt and device were seized from a Daesh hideout during the chase in the area of Wadi al-Karha, southwest Kirkuk city.

In mid-2014, Daesh/ISIS overran roughly one-third of Iraq, including the northern city of Mosul.

By late 2017, the Iraqi army — with the help of the U.S.-led military coalition — recovered most if not all the territories lost to the terrorist group.

Although officials in Baghdad say Daesh/ISIS presence in the country has been largely eradicated, the terrorist group has continued to stage sporadic attacks in Iraq’s Nineveh, Kirkuk, Diyala, Saladin and Anbar provinces.