Turkish cardiologist awarded by UK medical union

Turkish cardiologist awarded by UK medical union

A Turkish cardiologist received an award from the British Medical Association in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field. Profess

السودان.. إحالة ضباط كبار بجهاز المخابرات للتقاعد بينهم نائب المدير
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ألبيرق: اقتصادنا يبدي مقاومة قوية ضد الصدمات الداخلية والخارجية

A Turkish cardiologist received an award from the British Medical Association in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field.

Professor Bülent Görenek from the Cardiology Department of Osmangazi University in central Turkey’s Eskişehir province received the award for his contributions to the 3rd edition of “the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine,” a statement by the university said.

The association awarded Görenek with a certificate, the statement noted.

It added that the book – a reference book on current diagnosis and treatment methods of cardiovascular diseases – was also awarded first prize in cardiology by the BMA Medical Book Awards in the United Kingdom.

The association described the book, published by Oxford University Press, as “phenomenal,” calling it “…arguably the gold standard for a general cardiology textbook.”