Can AI win Best Rock Album at the 2020 Grammys?

Can AI win Best Rock Album at the 2020 Grammys?

With the use of artificial intelligence to produce music destined to become a hotly debated topic, AWS DeepComposer, an AI-backed music keyboard, has

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With the use of artificial intelligence to produce music destined to become a hotly debated topic, AWS DeepComposer, an AI-backed music keyboard, has raised the bar in digital music to a whole new level

The music industry underwent a vital change quite early in 1999 due to the invasion of digital music. The music industry, which saw a radical drop in album sales due to competing platforms like Napster, had to approve the sale of songs to Apple’s iTunes service for $1. Napster’s free sharing platform helped Steve Jobs, who entered the music industry with the iTunes service at the right time, to get what he wanted. Recently, there has been another development that will once again shake the music industry: artificial intelligence. Now, we may have to investigate not only whether artists are inspired by someone while earning music awards, but also whether they receive AI support. The problem of “inspiration” we face from time to time remains trivial next to what will be done with AI, but we will be arguing whether an artist who won a Grammy thanks to support from AI deserves to win.


Now it is time for a different transformation. Following the release of the camera DeepLens with artificial intelligence capabilities and the mini-driverless car DeepRace, Amazon Web Services (AWS) presented developers with AI-backed DeepComposer this year. At the AWS re:Invent global developers event, DeepComposer’s music keyboard capable of machine learning delivered amazing results. This smart device with machine learning capabilities provides software developers with tiny models to demonstrate their capabilities with programmable tools. So comes a smart toy for software developers and musicians. Musicians and coding are sure to lead to new surprises.

AWS DeepComposer consists of a 32-key, two-octave music keyboard, giving developers the chance to train using AI. Classical, jazz, rock or pop, you can create your music files in the style you want. Finally, you can convert the composition into a MIDI or MP3 file or share it via a SoundCloud account. So, fame awaits with open arms! Who will be the owner of the resulting work of art? The software developers or the musician with whom they collaborate? We will see as new examples emerge in innovations, which are sure to raise many questions.


Record a short tune or use a prerecorded one. For your favorite style, choose a premade option or create a model and continue. Use this model to produce a new polyphonic composition. You can play the composition on the console and see the result. Export the resulting composition in MP3 or MIDI format or share it on SoundCloud.


The winner of Sanofi PharmUp’s startup acceleration program was Aksense, which developed a bedside infection diagnostic device for early and rapid diagnosis of hospital infections.

Solutions developed by health-focused startups increase diversity in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The first of the PharmUp Entrepreneurship Program, which Sanofi launched in June 2019 in collaboration with Workinton to accept ideas and project owners that will make a difference in the field of health, recently concluded. While Aksense, which provides an early diagnosis to minimize the risk of infection, won first prize, HiDNA, which developed a platform for the encryption, archiving and practical read-back of digital data in DNA, won the special jury award.


In its first year, 70 entrepreneurs applied to PharmUp, a competition launched in June to revive scalable, developable and sustainable ideas in the health sector. Entrepreneurs were evaluated under the four main categories: “Disease Awareness and Consciousness Raising,” “Disease and Treatment Management,” “Solutions for Health Systems” and “Innovations in Health Technologies.”

Five startups, selected by PharmUp jury members, participated in mentoring and training programs. At PharmUp during a three-month acceleration period, health-oriented startups that passed the idea phase underwent research or produced prototypes supported in programs tailored to their needs.


Aksense developed a bedside infection diagnostic device for five-minute diagnoses of hospital infections, taking the lead in the world in this field. Mürsel Baydemir, one of the founding partners of Aksense, shared his enthusiasm on the subject. “Thank you all very much. I am very proud to be the first in such a platform. We will do our best to represent Turkey in the best way globally. I would like to thank everyone who revived PharmUp,” he said.


HiDNA, which won the Special Jury Prize, focuses on DNA and consists of two steps. A user wanting to store data – text, sound or visual – regarding DNA can register on our website and will be able to obtain the personalized DNA encryption algorithm for free. The user can then convert the data to store the DNA sequence from the algorithm on the website and place orders for the DNA code to be generated into certain lengths. While the system intends to convert the DNA sequence into DNA production within three to four weeks, HiDNA aims to be a Turkish brand in the field of DNA data storage worldwide.


It is important to remind elderly people, in particular, when to take medication. Moreover, voice assistant support is essential for the ease of use. Albert, an AI-based voice health assistant who helps chronic patients take their medications on time and in the right dose, improves patients’ quality of life and reduces risks.   


Pepapp is Turkey’s first digital female assistant that follows the menstrual and ovulation cycles of women and brightens their day with entertaining and informative advice. It also reminds users to take medication. In short, it is an application that shares information from specialists on issues that women are reluctant to ask about and creates regular notifications.


The first product of the university-born startup is an oral device called Dormio, which can be used to treat sleep apnea. Dormio’s story begins as a master’s thesis under the roof of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Boğaziçi University. The entrepreneurs have even applied for a patent following the impressive results achieved during academic trials. The quiet, portable and comfortable intraoral apparatus called Dormio can be used in the treatment of mild and moderate sleep apnea and snoring.