Autumn glamour mesmerizes on Mount Ağrı

Autumn glamour mesmerizes on Mount Ağrı

Autumn might be the best time to discover nature contrary to popular belief. Spring might be the time that nature wakes up from its beauty sleep bu

1 trilyon lirayı aştı: İşte Türkiye'nin en büyük 20 şirketi
Galatasaray'da Steven Nzonzi kadro dışı bırakıldı
ليبرمان يرفض الانضمام لأي حكومة يشكلها نتنياهو أو غانتس ويعلن: إسرائيل…

Autumn might be the best time to discover nature contrary to popular belief. Spring might be the time that nature wakes up from its beauty sleep but it is, in fact, autumn where you witness the lifecycle of nature. This autumn, before the snow falls on the mountains of eastern Anatolia, we invite you to the foothills of Mount Ağrı and see the color festivity of its vineyards.

Located on the lowers parts of Mount Ağrı, the tallest mountain within Turkish borders, it is not only home to grapes but also many fruit and willow trees. As the season turns, the trees assume the colors of red, brown and yellow, making the vineyard look like a place right out of a painting.

Muhammed Akkuş, the chairman of the Iğdır Photography, Adventure, Culture and Nature Club has been volunteering in the region to increase its popularity among nature lovers. “This place is somewhere you can see all the miracles of nature. Everytime, I discover new things I am mesmerized by them. From the colors of the leaves to the way this stream flows, these vineyards make people happy,” says Akkuş.