Bolivia's Anez celebrates military's 209th anniversary

Bolivia's Anez celebrates military's 209th anniversary

Bolivia's self-proclaimed interim President celebrated the 209th anniversary of the country’s armed forces on Thursday. "With the deepest feeli

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Bolivia’s self-proclaimed interim President celebrated the 209th anniversary of the country’s armed forces on Thursday.

“With the deepest feeling of being a Bolivian, I congratulate the Army of Bolivia on its 209th foundation anniversary which always knew how to defend our integrity and our red, yellow and green colors,” Jeanine Anez said in a Twitter post.

Her message came a day after she appointed Sergio Carlos Orellana Centellas as the new commander in chief of the armed forces, to replace Williams Kaliman, the commander behind what former President Evo Morales calls a coup.

Gen. Pablo Guerra was appointed as the chief of staff of the command, while Ivan Inchauste as the general commander of the army. Ciro Alvarez was promoted to head of Bolivian Air Force and Moises Heredia appointed as head of Bolivian Navy.

On Wednesday, thousands of Bolivians protested the forced removal of former leader and demanded “the resignation of all the coup plotters and the return of Morales”.

Bolivia has been thrown into turmoil with demonstrators protesting the results of presidential elections in October in which Morales declared victory for a fourth term in office.

Demonstrators took to the streets, believing the results were rigged.

Morales stepped down Sunday on the call of then military chief.

After he resigned, Morales requested political asylum from Mexico. Before leaving, he tweeted he would eventually return to Bolivia with more “strength and energy.”

He arrived in Mexico on Tuesday afternoon.