Burger King to ‘officially’ open first branch in N Cyprus following…

Burger King to ‘officially’ open first branch in N Cyprus following…

Fast food giant Burger King has officially begun to operate in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), breaking the long-running commerce emb

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Fast food giant Burger King has officially begun to operate in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), breaking the long-running commerce embargo and restrictions imposed by the Greek Cypriot side.

The American fast-food chain has been operating in the region under the brand “Burger City” due to pressures from the Greek Cypriot administration for 20 years.

Following intense negotiations, the U.S. giant’s official brand will hang over the newly-opened branch for the very first time.

According to reports, all of the restaurants that currently operate under the Burger City brand, will adopt the signs, menus and standards of Burger King.