Category: bilim
Sinan Aygün'e CHP üyeliğinden kesin çıkarma istemiyle disiplin soruşturması açıldı
CHP Ankara İl Başkanı Rıfkı Güvener, eski milletvekili Sinan Aygün hakkında parti üyeliğinden "kesin [...]
Russia playing with fire in Libya
I was intending to put in my two cents' worth on U.S.-Russian competition and its ill effects on TurkStream, a Russo-Turkish joint project that di [...]
The future of Turkey-Russia relations
The Beltway establishment has been mulling over the following issues for some time: Has Turkey's axis shifted? Are the Turks turning away from the [...]
In Libya, cooperating with Turkey is Europe's best shot
The fall of Tripoli could undermine European energy security and unleash a new refugee wave on already overwhelmed countries
The Eastern Mediterra [...]
Significance in Libya for the Eastern Mediterranean conundrum
Another significant issue that is threatening the entire region is the escalating crisis in Libya. Warlord Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National [...]
35 people injured in 63-vehicle crash on Virginia highway
Thirty-five people were hurt in a 63-vehicle, chain-reaction crash on a foggy and icy stretch of a Virginia highway early Sunday, state police said [...]
إطلاق سراح رئيس الأركان المصري الأسبق سامي عنان
أطلقت السلطات المصرية،  [...]
استطلاع رأي: أكثر من نصف الأمريكيين يؤيدون إقالة ترامب
يؤيد أكثر من نصف الأمريك [...]
وفد تركي إلى موسكو غداً لبحث الوضع في إدلب
قال الرئيس التركي رجب طي [...]
İtalya'da olumsuz hava koşulları nedeniyle 3 kişi hayatını kaybetti
İtalya’da hafta sonu etkili olan olumsuz hava koşulları sebebiyle ölenlerin sayısı 3'e çıktı.