Coat, hat found in search for missing hikers in Turkey

Coat, hat found in search for missing hikers in Turkey

As the search and rescue efforts continue for two Turkish hikers who went missing in western Turkey, the teams Sunday found a coat and a hat belongin

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As the search and rescue efforts continue for two Turkish hikers who went missing in western Turkey, the teams Sunday found a coat and a hat belonging one of them.

On seventh day of search and rescue mission in Bursa, the experts discovered that the coat and the hat found in a stream bed belonged to Efe Sarp, 37, after examining the security cameras which caught last sight of Sarp and his friend Mert Alpaslan, 31, before they went missing near the famous Mt. Uludag peak last week.

The operations are focused on the region after the latest development.

On Dec. 1, Sarp and Alpaslan went missing in the evening due to heavy fog near Mt. Uludag peak. Search efforts were initiated when the families of the hikers contacted the gendarmerie after losing contact with their sons.

The air-backed search is underway with nearly 270 rescuers, both from official and civilian rescue teams, and under coordination of Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD).