EU's flawed Turkey policy has failed

EU's flawed Turkey policy has failed

We have mentioned it countless times. The European Union made many great mistakes regarding Turkey. It's faulty Turkey policy, which is also not s

للمرة الثانية خلال 72 ساعة.. الصين تستدعي السفير الأمريكي لديها
PKK Türkmen köylerine çöktü
İstanbul Beşiktaş'ta yola dökülen yağ kazaya neden oldu

We have mentioned it countless times. The European Union made many great mistakes regarding Turkey. It’s faulty Turkey policy, which is also not supported by all of its members, has caused Turkey to lose trust in the EU. and caused the EU to have no importance left in Syria.

While Turkey was exerting its maximum efforts in the war against terror, the EU left Turkey alone. It would be good if it only left Turkey alone, but at the same time by supporting the PKK’s Syrian extension, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), which is trying to survive by invading Syrian lands, it also caused harm to Turkey’s war against terror. The claim that the YPG terrorist organization is not a “terrorist organization” has caused a serious loss of trust in the EU.

Turkey subdued the Daesh terrorist organization in the field for good. The YPG, on the other hand, by acting like it was fighting against Daesh, invaded the areas that were emptied within the zone. It has settled in many villages by making agreements with Daesh. They allowed Daesh militants to escape with their weapons.

Another truth was revealed thanks to Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring. All of the prisons in which the YPG had imprisoned Daesh terrorists were empty. Daesh terrorist organization members that were released by the YPG were captured by Turkish soldiers. Some of them are going to be put on trial in Turkey. Some of them will be returned to the European countries that they belonged to.

As a result of the fully justified Operation Peace Spring that Turkey has conducted, the north of Syria has become a prohibited zone for the YPG terrorist organization.

Turkey has become the country that has won both in the field and at the diplomatic table. Thanks to agreements it has made with U.S. and Russia, the YPG terrorist organization that was threatening Turkey, causing the people that were living in the lands that they invaded to become refugees, and which was a great threat to the unity of Syria, has been thrown out of the safe zone.

From this point on, until stability in Syria is restored, Turkey will take the necessary precautions within the zones it is controlling so that the terrorists will not return. In the remaining zones, Russia is responsible for all the necessary precautions for not allowing terrorists to be deployed within a 30-km area close to Turkey’s border.

Clearly there are four great powers within the area. One of them is Turkey. The others are Russia, Iran and the Bashar Assad regime. There is also still a bot of the U.S.

Honestly, where is EU? The EU, with all of its faulty policies, has simply left itself out of the field. It has remained stubborn. choosing to not understand the struggle that NATO member and EU candidate Turkey was going through for its security. It didn’t support the struggle Turkey was engaged in so that no more refugees would come to Europe. Now it will only sit down and watch the refugees to go back to the safe zone and settle down.

Let us summarize the picture that was has become clear as of Tuesday:

1. The preservation of Syria’s political and territorial unity, as well as Turkey’s national security, was accomplished.

2. Turkey and Russia are working together to fight against all kinds of terrorism and separatist agendas within Syria.

3. Within this context, the current status quo within Operation Peace Spring safe zone consisting of a depth of 32 km, including Tal Abyad and Ras Al Ayn, will be preserved.

4. The importance of Adana agreement again became prevalent. Russia is going to make it easier to implement the Adana agreement within the current situation. So Turkey’s operation is totally justified!

5. Starting on October 23, 2019 at 12.00, Russian military police and Syrian border patrol units will enter the Turkey-Syria border that is within the scope of Operation Peace Spring’s safe zone, in order to expel YPG elements and weapons out of a 30 km zone within Turkey-Syria border. This operation will be completed within 150 hours. At the same time, within the current Operation Peace Spring boundaries, towards its east and west at a depth of 10 km, with the exception of city of Kamışlı, Turkish-Russian joint patrols will begin.

6. All YPG elements will be removed from Münbiç and Tel Rıfaat.

7. Joint activities will be made to allow refugees to return safely. willingly and with ease.

8. Involved parties will continue their work to find a permanent solution to Syria dispute within the context of Astana Process and will support the activities of Syrian Constitutional Committee.

Aren’t some EU member states being a bit “laughable” with the sanctions that they are trying to implement on Turkey while all of this is happening? Isn’t the European Parliament staying behind and remaining aloof to all the recent developments happening within the context of Operation Peace Spring that is being conducted with regards to the Adana agreement which was approved by Turkey and Russia, by remaining opposed to it?

I guess Germany’s proposed “Secure Zone” suggestion is in the waste bin now.

When will the EU begin to make a proper analysis and follow a consistent policy regarding Turkey?