Explosion in armory injures 9 security forces in SE Turkey

Explosion in armory injures 9 security forces in SE Turkey

Nine security forces were injured during two simultaneous explosions in Turkey’s southeastern Şanlıurfa province, according to a prov

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Nine security forces were injured during two simultaneous explosions in Turkey’s southeastern Şanlıurfa province, according to a provincial governor on Wednesday.

“Two separate explosions occurred in the armory. Fourteen personnel who were assigned to protect the armory were injured as a result of the explosion,” the Sanliurfa Governorate said in a statement.

Governor Abdullah Erin told Anadolu Agency that he launched an investigation into the incident.

The explosion occurred in the 20th Armored Brigade Command in Sanliurfa’s Haliliye district.

Scores of fire fighters and medical personnel were sent to the region.