German magazine uses Erdoğan’s photo for report on Daesh chief raid in…

German magazine uses Erdoğan’s photo for report on Daesh chief raid in…

German magazine Der Spiegel is yet again at the center of another scandal after using the photo of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to illustrate

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Türkiye'nin gücü cesaretidir

German magazine Der Spiegel is yet again at the center of another scandal after using the photo of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to illustrate a report about the death of Daesh chief Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi on Twitter, as part of another smear campaign targeting the Turkish leader.

The German-language magazine used Erdoğan’s photo as a cover for a report titled “Reactions: The world won’t miss al-Baghdadi,” on its official Twitter account. The tweet was later deleted.

Der Spiegel previously drew outrage after falsely claiming that Erdoğan “fights against freedom and democracy” in a 2016 report titled “fearful friend.”

The magazine also came under fire in the past after prankster Jan Böhmermann, who had recited an insult-laden poem targeting the popular Turkish leader on a show called “Neo Magazine Royale”, “graced” its cover.