Iranian YPG terrorist supporters to attack Turkish community in Europe

Iranian YPG terrorist supporters to attack Turkish community in Europe

An Iranian member of the terrorist PKK’s Syrian offshoot the People’s Protection Units (YPG) urged supporters in Europe to attack Turki

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An Iranian member of the terrorist PKK’s Syrian offshoot the People’s Protection Units (YPG) urged supporters in Europe to attack Turkish embassies, restaurants and stores rather than holding protests, which he claimed were “useless.” The terrorist’s comments reaffirmed the YPG/PKK’s violent ideology, which has resulted in the suffering of thousands of people in Syria, Turkey and the region.

YPG terrorist Hewin Argesh told an Iranian TV broadcast that anti-Turkey protests held by the YPG supporters in Europe were inefficient.

The terrorist’s comments follow a series of violent protests and attacks by YPG supporters in Europe, who are targeting the Turkish community amid Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring in northern Syria, which is eliminating the YPG terrorists off the border and creating a safe zone for the voluntary return of refugees.

“These initiatives [protests] are meaningful but have no impact on the course of events,” the terrorist said, adding that he requests Kurdish people in Europe to target Turkish restaurants, embassies, trade centers, and anything that bears the name of the Turkish people.

The terrorist said Kurdish people should not think that Turkish people are innocent:

“Now don’t just say we don’t have a problem with Turkish people. On the contrary, Kurdish people should have a problem with Turkish people now,” Argesh said, urging the Kurds to target Turks.

The provocative language used by the terrorist indiscriminately labels all Turkish people as enemies of the Kurdish people.

Turkish officials highlight that Turkey does not have any problems with the Kurds but fights against terrorist organizations regardless of their ethnicity or religion.

For instance, Turkey accepted over 250,000 Kurdish civilians fleeing YPG persecution in Syria’s Ayn al-Arab (Kobani).

However, the YPG terrorists exploit ethnic and religious sentiment to provoke violence.

Supporters of the PKK terror group and YPG have been terrorizing Europe under the guise of ‘protesting’ Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring in northern Syria. YPG supporters attacked Turkish people in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, France, Greece and the Netherlands.

This is not the first time Turkish civilians have been targeted by the PKK in Europe as whenever Turkey launches an operation against terrorist groups, their supporters target innocent civilians across Europe by benefiting from the lack of measures by European governments.

Turkish authorities criticize European governments for failing to take proper measures to prevent attacks by terrorist supporters and ensure the security of Turkish people living there.

The PKK, which is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU, has waged a terror campaign against Turkey for more than 30 years and has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, including women and children.

Despite its status as a designated international terrorist organization, the PKK has enjoyed relative freedom in European cities and has a particularly strong presence in Germany.

PKK supporters have been allowed to hold rallies, recruit militants and collect funds in Germany, which is home to some 5 million people with Turkish origin, including Kurds.

For instance, following the beginning of Operation Olive Branch in early 2018, PKK supporters attacked 13 mosques in Germany including Yeşil Mosque, Eyüp Sultan Mosque, Sultan Alparslan Mosque and Ulu Mosque. All of the mosques are run by the Germany branch of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DİTİB).

The PKK has been banned in Germany since 1993, but it is still active, with nearly 14,000 followers among the country’s Kurdish immigrant population.