Looking for a new camp site? Give Dumanlı Plateau a try

Looking for a new camp site? Give Dumanlı Plateau a try

Summer might be over but that doesn't mean camping season has to come to an end. In fact, autumn is considered the perfect camping season by many.

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Summer might be over but that doesn’t mean camping season has to come to an end. In fact, autumn is considered the perfect camping season by many. If you are looking for a place to set your tent up you don’t need to look far: Anatolia’s plateaus is waiting for you with open arms.

Dumanlı Plateau in Turkey’s southern province of Osmaniye is one of the best places to witness nature’s preparations for winter. The trees shed their leaves and those that are still on the branches turn yellow and brown.

The plateau is highly popular among amateur and professional photographers but for the last couple of years this natural wonder has become a popular destination for campers as there are many music, nature and lifestyle festivals organized at the site.

People usually visit the area with their friends and spend a few nights, enjoying the serene nature while meeting new people who share the same enthusiasm as they do.

Ahmet Selvi, who is an amateur photographer said that it is his first time at the Dumanlı Plateau and he is struck by its beauty.

“I think this is an incredible place. The scenery is like it just came out from an oil painting. We came here with our friends but we will surely return here as soon as possible,” Selvi said, adding that the site must be promoted more widely and more people should come and witness its beauty.