Morocco arrests six suspected Daesh terrorists

Morocco arrests six suspected Daesh terrorists

Moroccan security services have broken up a suspected Daesh cell, arresting six suspected terrorists near Casablanca and in the northern towns of Che

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Mehmetçik teröristlerden temizlediği Rasulayn'da trafoları onarıyor
الأمير تميم يكلّف رئيس الوزراء بترؤس وفد قطر في القمة الخليجية

Moroccan security services have broken up a suspected Daesh cell, arresting six suspected terrorists near Casablanca and in the northern towns of Chefchaouen and Ouazzane, a police spokesman said on Friday.

Police seized firearms including guns, automatic pistols and hunting rifles in Tamaris, south of Casablanca as well as ammunition and bladed arms, the spokesman, Boubker Sabik, told Reuters.

They also discovered dangerous chemical material and liquids that could be used to make explosives, along with Islamic State flags and a document and video recording showing the cell pledge allegiance to the international jihadist group.

The cell also possessed navigation and swimming material including an inflatable boat, the spokesman added.

Official Moroccan figures from late 2018 showed that 1,669 Moroccans had travelled to Syria and Iraq to join Daesh terrorists. However, the only other major attack in the country this decade was the 2011 bombing of a Marrakesh restaurant, killing 17.