Organization of Islamic Cooperation members to gather in Istanbul to…

Organization of Islamic Cooperation members to gather in Istanbul to…

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) High Level Public and Private Sector Investment Conference will be held on December 8-9 at the Istanb

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The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) High Level Public and Private Sector Investment Conference will be held on December 8-9 at the Istanbul Congress Center with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, according to an official statement published on Wednesday.

The event will be organized by the Turkish Presidency’s Investment Office, Secretaries of the OIC, the Islamic Development Bank Group subsidiaries and other significant public and private sector stakeholders such as IsDB Group, ICDT and SESRIC.

According to the statement, the two-day conference will include public-private themed negotiations sessions between governments and CEOs, along with a half-day governments-CEOs roundtable, parallel private business-government (B2G) sessions where OIC investors will meet potential business partners. Presentations on the promotion of investment opportunities in member countries by Investment Incentive Agencies will also be part of the agenda, the statement added.

“The OIC Investment Conference will represent a win-win platform between OIC private and public sector policy makers to discuss policy proposals that will enable us to achieve a vibrant public and private dialogue. The conference will also highlight the main obstacles that need to be lifted to boost investments within the OIC,” Arda Ermut, president of the Presidency Investment Office said.

“Promoting investments within the OIC by eliminating any barriers to free movement among OIC member states and at the same time increasing the ease of doing business in the OIC region are among the main objectives. We believe this conference will be instrumental in creating many new business opportunities,” he added.

Agriculture, mining, transportation and infrastructure, energy, oil and natural gas, financial services, machinery and electronics, communications, software and information services, hospitality and tourism, textiles, renewable energy and chemistry are among the main sectors to be discussed at the conference.

In addition to government officials, ministers responsible for investment and industry, trade undersecretaries, senior representatives of investment support agencies, CEOs of companies and other multinational companies in OIC member states, heads of multilateral development banks and funds, international business leaders, analysts, economists, legal experts, academics, risk experts, international organizations and multilateral agencies, investment consultants and economic advisers, regional economic communities, chambers of commerce, and representatives of the trade council will be among the participants of the conference.