PKK terrorists steal 11-years old child's dream

PKK terrorists steal 11-years old child's dream

Mazlum Gunes (11), who had a dream of becoming a doctor in the future, was martyred in a YPG/PKK attack in Ceylanpinar district of Sanliurfa province

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Mazlum Gunes (11), who had a dream of becoming a doctor in the future, was martyred in a YPG/PKK attack in Ceylanpinar district of Sanliurfa province on Oct. 11 when he was going to buy a loaf of bread for his family.

The little boy was laid to rest after his funeral rites. However, his family is drowning in deep pain and sorrow.

His family says Mazlum was a little boy but he was really responsible and smart. Mazlum was helping his family work on their farm and was taking care of his six-year-old brother.

Zekiye Gunes, the mother of Mazlum, talked to journalists about her little child.

“Mommy, I will examine you and heal you, cure the pain of your eyes. I will always take care of you,” the grieved mother repeated the words of Mazlum and expressed his dream.

The mother added his son had many friends due to his wisdom and kindness.

“Mazlum was a smart and polite boy. He was successful in his studies, and his teachers were so pleased with him,” said the mother.

The mother tearfully talked about the day that Mazlum died.

“We heard explosions, and Mazlum’s big brother ran to me by saying ‘mother, bombs are exploding, but Mazlum had gone to the bakery, Mazlum is outside’ and we went out to look for Mazlum,” said the mother.

“When we went out, I only saw Mazlum’s bloodied slippers. Someone had taken him to a hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, he had already died,” she added.

The grieving mother stressed that “We are Kurdish, my son was a Kurd. YPG/PKK terrorists do not represent and support Kurdish people.”

The six-year-old little brother added that he wants to honor his martyred brother by realizing Mazlum’s dream of becoming a doctor in the future.