President Erdoğan gives book to leaders at UK meeting

President Erdoğan gives book to leaders at UK meeting

Turkey’s president presented a book about the country’s role in NATO to the leaders of Germany, France and Britain during a quartet meeti

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Turkey’s president presented a book about the country’s role in NATO to the leaders of Germany, France and Britain during a quartet meeting Tuesday in the U.K.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan presented Turkey: The Powerful Member of the Strategic Alliance published by the Turkish Communications Directorate to French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Published in Turkish, English, French and German, the book provides detailed information about the duties and contributions of NATO member Turkey to the alliance.

The book, which touches on the perspectives of Turkey and other countries regarding NATO, also has a chapter on Turkey’s expectations from the alliance.

The chapter highlighted the common fight against terrorism as well as the expected continuation of NATO’s contributions to Turkey’s defense.

Turkey’s expectations regarding contributions of NATO members to the establishment of a safe zone in northern Syria were also expressed in this section.

The book was also presented to U.S. President Donald Trump and his delegation during Erdogan’s visit to the U.S. last month.