Say hello to the New Year with Tango

Say hello to the New Year with Tango

Boğaziçi University Albert Long Hall Classical Music Concerts, continuing with the theme "Music Brings Us Closer," will step into the N

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Boğaziçi University Albert Long Hall Classical Music Concerts, continuing with the theme “Music Brings Us Closer,” will step into the New Year with tango in the last concert of 2019 by the Anatolian Wind Quintet.

The Albert Long Hall stage will host a concert titled “Tangology” at 7.30 p.m., Wednesday, on Dec. 25, where popular tango tunes will be combined with narratives and dance performances about the history of the tango. The works, composed of arrangements by the Anadolu Wind Quintet, come to life with the bandoneon of Tolga Salman, the voices of Burcu Soysev and Bahadır Noyan Coşkun and the dance performance of the Boğaziçi University Dance Club.

The concert is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Yapı Kredi Culture and Arts and Turkish Airlines, brings together music lovers from Istanbul, both young and old, as part of the classical music events which have been held regularly every Wednesday evening at Albert Long Hall for 23 years.

The Albert Long Hall Classical Music Series will continue with the Oxalys Ensemble at 7.30 p.m., on Feb. 12.