Turkey chairs Asian parliamentary body for 2 more years

Turkey will chair Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) for another two years, the assembly said Monday. The announcement came during the 12th APA Plena

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نائب الرئيس التركي يدين إحراق علم شمال قبرص في الشطر الرومي

Turkey will chair Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) for another two years, the assembly said Monday.

The announcement came during the 12th APA Plenary meeting that ended in Turkey’s Mediterranean resort city of Antalya.

Turkey will serve as the term president in 2020-2021.

The meeting was attended by delegations from parliaments of 42 APA members and 16 observer countries.

As well, during the meeting member countries filed their requests to assume 2022-2023 presidency.

The APA was born in 2006 at the Seventh Session of the Association of Asian Parliamentary for Peace (AAPP), as its continuation. Each APA member parliament has a specific number of seats in the Assembly based on the size of their population, according to the organization’s official webpage.