Turkey to hold quadrilateral meeting with France, Germany, UK in…

Turkey to hold quadrilateral meeting with France, Germany, UK in…

Turkey will hold a quadrilateral meeting with France, Germany, UK on sidelines of NATO summit on Dec. 3-4 in London, Turkish Presidential Spokesman

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Turkey will hold a quadrilateral meeting with France, Germany, UK on sidelines of NATO summit on Dec. 3-4 in London, Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalın announced Tuesday.

The official also touched upon the upcoming NATO summit.

“Our President will attend the summit after a meticulous preparation. He will convey important messages regarding NATO’s mission, vision, its importance in the 21st century, its planned activities and the threats it is facing,” Kalın added.

The spokesman also called upon the U.S. and Russia to live up to the necessities of the deals reached regarding the withdrawal of PKK’s Syrian wing YPG terrorists.

“We hereby call on the U.S. and Russia to adhere to the requirements of the October 17 and October 22 deals respectively,” he added.