Turkey's Borsa Istanbul down at close

Turkey's Borsa Istanbul down at close

Turkey's benchmark stock index closed the day at 99,838.30 points on Monday, down 0.38% versus last week's close. Borsa Istanbul's BIST 100 index sta

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Turkey’s benchmark stock index closed the day at 99,838.30 points on Monday, down 0.38% versus last week’s close.

Borsa Istanbul’s BIST 100 index started the short transaction day at 100,385.44 points. As of close, it lost 377.65 points from Friday’s close of 100,215.95 points.

The market was closed midday on Monday and will remain closed on Tuesday due to Oct. 29 National Republic Day in the country.

The price of Brent crude oil was around $61.50 per barrel as of 13 p.m. (1000GMT) on Monday.

Exchange Rates Friday Monday
USD/TRY 5.7660 5.7420
EUR/TRY 6.4000 6.3690
GBP/TRY 7.4040 7.3830