Turkey's daily power consumption up 0.71% on Nov. 21

Turkey's daily power consumption up 0.71% on Nov. 21

Turkey's daily electricity consumption increased by 0.71% to 803,820 megawatt-hours on Thursday, according to official figures of Turkish Electricity

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Turkey’s daily electricity consumption increased by 0.71% to 803,820 megawatt-hours on Thursday, according to official figures of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAS) on Friday.

Hourly power consumption peaked at local time 19.00 with 38,905 megawatt-hours, data from TEIAS showed.

The country’s electricity usage dropped to its lowest daily point of 27,959 megawatt-hours at local time 04.00.

Electricity production totaled 802,489 megawatt-hours on Thursday, marking a 0.44% increase compared to the previous day.

The majority of the output came from natural gas totaling 230,603 megawatt-hours. Imported coal plants and lignite plants followed with 204,549 megawatt-hours and 137,164 megawatt-hours, respectively.

On Thursday, Turkey’s electricity exports amounted to 10,264 megawatt-hours, while imports reached 11,595 megawatt-hours.