Yellow vest protestors hit French streets for 54 week

Yellow vest protestors hit French streets for 54 week

Yellow Vest protestors took to the streets Saturday across France, marking 54 consecutive weeks of mass demonstrations against President Emmanuel Mac

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Yellow Vest protestors took to the streets Saturday across France, marking 54 consecutive weeks of mass demonstrations against President Emmanuel Macron.

Protestors gathered at Estienne-d’Orves Square and marched towards Felix Eboue square.

In addition to Paris, protests were held in various cities of the country.

Police banned protests in Champs-Elysees, around Notre-Dame Cathedral that was significantly damaged following a fire in April, National Assembly and Elysee Palace.

Protests started Nov. 17, 2018, in reaction to rising fuel costs and economic injustice, but later spiraled into deadly anti-government riots.

Protesters decided to use yellow vests, part of the standard safety kit in French cars, to make their members more easily visible.

Demonstrations left 11 people dead and more than 4,000 injured since the start of protests, including protesters and the police, according to the French government.

Activists claim 24 protesters lost an eye and five lost a hand.

At least some 8,400 people have been arrested since the beginning of Yellow Vest protests, and 2,000 remanded into custody.

A total of 17 protestors arrested In Toulouse and five people, including two police and three civilians, were injured.