Your Christmas jumper might be bad for the environment

Your Christmas jumper might be bad for the environment

It is largely held that nothing could be more in keeping with festive cheer than a Christmas sweater, however, with concern mounting over the impac

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It is largely held that nothing could be more in keeping with festive cheer than a Christmas sweater, however, with concern mounting over the impact of “fast fashion,” environmental experts are warning that the garments may have a darker side.

Two out of five Christmas jumpers are worn only once during the festive period, research by the British environmental charity Hubbub has shown, and yet one in three under-35s buy a new Christmas jumper every year.

This leads to a shocking amount of unnecessary plastic waste, the charity says, since it was found that Christmas 95% of the jumpers contained plastic.

Rather than foregoing the dress entirely, Hubbub is calling on wearers to reuse existing jumpers, consider swapping with family and friends or to donate unwanted sweaters to charity shops or jumble sales, make their own or buy second hand.

“Create your own unique look by jazzing up a sweater you already own,” the charity suggests. “By adding temporary decorations you can use your jumper the rest of the year round and stop it becoming one-wear fast fashion.”

Hubbub has even created a website filled with ideas on how to create your own DIY Christmas jumper. The charity also recommends looking for second-hand Christmas jumpers on online vintage clothing platforms.