Supporters of Peru’s competing presidential candidates take to roads amid election frenzy

Supporters of Peru’s competing presidential candidates take to roads amid election frenzy

Peru’s competing presidential candidates rightwinger Keiko Fujimori and socialist Pedro Castillo have resorted to the streets after the closely contested 6 June election

Almanya’da 36 Yıl Sonra .. Türk Gazeteci Sınır Dışı Etmekle Tehdit Altındadır
Jamie Oliver’ın restoran zinciri iflas etti
ABD, İran’ı Füze Programının Örtüsü Olarak Uzay Fırlatmasını Kullanmakla Suçluyor

Peru’s competing presidential candidates rightwinger Keiko Fujimori and socialist Pedro Castillo have resorted to the streets after the closely contested 6 June election

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